Saturday, November 26, 2011

Home again, Home again

This morning went out to one of Phil & Sheila's favorite places for breakfast.   I endured the playful taunts from my brothers over my teeny tiny cup of espresso compared to their "bottomless" cups of regular coffee.  However, espresso packs a real punch.  Between that, the latte I got to go, and the chocolate covered coffee beans I had to eat along the way, I didn't get sleepy at all on the drive home.  Indy and Ori greeted me w/ waving tails and yowls.  I've been playing w/ them, unpacking, washing clothes, doing some town work, answering e-mails.  In fact, I may catch up on all my work tonight - don't seem to be tired at all.

1 comment:

Jordan Journal said...

Wow great photo Sue. Have a great holiday season.