Friday, November 25, 2011

Snowy Woods

Hello my name is Peggy.  No, not really - I'm Brent, Sue's brother -subbing for Sue today.   We are enjoying our stay with Phil and Sheila.  Sue and Sheila went shopping today at some of the area stores while Phil and I checked out some wood and tool stores.  Sue's big purchase was some spices and mine was a small burl off of a tree.  Guess we didn't help the economy too much today.
Phil and Sheila's neighbor and her daughter stopped by.  The daughter is going to graduate school and had done some studies of nematodes in Iceland.  Of course Sue got all excited and the rest of us got an education about the little worms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job today Brent,,,I mean Peggy.
Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!