I like the Obamas but, really, handing out dried fruit and raisins to Halloween trick or treaters? It's true they don't have to worry about their house being egged but I think they could think of something else to hand out. Maybe coupons for a free kid's meal at a local fast-food restaurant, tokens for a miniature golf or other kids amusement center, crayons, temporary tattoos, vampire teeth, funky glasses, coloring books, pencil toppers, stickers, bubbles - just not stuff that is good for you. Kind of ruins the entire joy of splurging on a holiday (or non-holiday in this case). What will the Obama's dress up as? The President and First Lady? (Well, come to think of it if they dressed as Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich that might not scare little kids but would make me turn and run.)
He was going to dress up a leader, but has done that before and is not sure he can fool everybody again.
Uncle Brent's craftsmanship is amazing! Loving these pics the last few days.
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