Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin Corner Block

Temp in the 40's, light breeze, bright sunshine - beautiful fall weather.  Indy and I went for a long walk.  I was surprised to find a pile of dung on the path just before heading into the swamp.  I'm no manure fancier but it looked like horse to me and pretty fresh.  We walked another 600 feet to a point where sand is washed across the path each rainstorm - a good place to look for tracks.  There were a few hoof prints.  Single toe - equine.  Size - riding horse to donkey.  Stride - shorter than I would have expected from a horse.  At a walking gait but the rear hoofs stepped just a bit off from the front hoofs - like a horse and not the more surefooted donkey and mule.  Only one track heading into the swamp - must have a rider since equines are herd animals and an individual animal wouldn't go so far from the safety of numbers.  What did I deduce?   A small horse had been ridden this way earlier in the morning.   Hardly to the level of Sherlock Holmes but a fun little mystery.

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