Thursday, September 08, 2011

Vermillion Waxcap mushroom

Hadn't felt quite right all day.  From the time I got up, through work, and until the town board meeting tonight, I was just not doing very well.  There were five people that wanted to address the board on different subjects tonight and after awhile, I got into the spirit of government of and for the people.  OK, might sound kind of hokey but at the township level we aren't encumbered w/ Republican vs. Democrat and the town officer positions don't wield any real power or money.  It's just people from the township overseeing what goes on there. Anyway, meeting must have been therapeutic because I feel better now than I've felt all day.


Brent said...

Glad you are feeling better. Hope you're not sampling the mushrooms, ha.

Anonymous said...

Why did the girl mushroom like the boy mushroom? (Because he was a "fun guy").