Friday, September 09, 2011

Xerula furfuracea mushrooms

We milkers were warned that a new heifer was in the holding pen (we need to know since her milk has to be dumped).  I saw her enter and told Lisa that the heifer was coming through.  Lisa's response was "awesome."  "OK", I thought, "'awesome' seemed a little over enthusiastic for the situation".  Then I remembered when I was in a meeting w/ some Brits years ago.  I put forward an idea and one of them responded w/ "brilliant".  It was a good idea but even I didn't consider it 'brilliant'.  Finally figured out that 'brilliant' was just the term in vogue for 'I agree w/ you' in Britain at that moment.  Maybe 'awesome' is the current equivalent of my day's 'cool'?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um, yes.