Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Cockscomb Coral fungi

I have an orange colored flyswatter.  There is a reason for this.  The house is done in earthy tones.  However, knickknacks and seasonal things are in the accent color I chose for that season - pink for spring, yellow for summer, orange for fall, and red for winter.  I never seem to have flies in the house except in the fall so when I bought the flyswatter, I got an orange one.  This year the number of flies finding their way into the house has been higher than usual.  I take solace in that everything goes in cycles.  Example: one year there are lots of rabbits and the next year none.  Maybe this is the year for flies so next year there won't be any.  Well... I can hope.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I have been experiencing the same thing this year. I have had lots and lots of flies and no rabbits invading my burning bushes which is good but I absolutely cannot stand flies! Carolyn

Shelby said...

I haven't seen the flies yet but I agree with you about everything going in cycles. I remember one year the spider count was so high you would see them flying through the air on webs that had broken off from trees. Some years it's ants, some years it's ladybugs (or whatever their nasty biting cousins are), etc... I'll keep an eye out for the flies. My girls are scared of them even though we repeatedly tell them they won't hurt you; they're just gross.