Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Another overcast, rainy, cold day.  However, Indy was anxious for a walk so off we went.  I figured I might get some pictures of fall color or perhaps a migrating bird.  Was surprised to see these berries along a fence line.  I went over and sure enough - elderberry.  Had found one tree six years ago in a different area but the tree had died the next season and I hadn't found any more.  Yet here were full-grown shrubs full of fruit.  Just when I think I'm getting a handle on the flora and fauna of this place, it pops up w/ surprises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you making elderberry juice or jelly or pie with the elderberries?That would be a treat. I used to pick them on my paper route in Plum City. Brings back memories. Doug accused us of stealing, but he didn't have any qualms about eating the finished product. JVM