Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Maple Gate

My state will institute a "Conceal and Carry" law this fall.  I'm pretty mad about it.  First, my legislators passed it in a year where the state had much bigger problems.  However, this law will get them a lot of votes next election and didn't require any tough decisions.  Second, I feel like I'm going to be living in the Wild West again.  People are fond of telling me statistics show that crime goes down when more people have guns.  The stats I have seen come from special interest groups, are from too small a sample, or are ambiguous when you look at the details.  I can also find stats that disagree w/ them.  Third, if I get a gun what 2nd amendment "well regulated Militia" am I suppose to join?   Maybe I'll just get a belt holster for my bear spray. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that picture! Is that a sugar maple? Carolyn