Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillar

My sister, Connie, sent me an e-mail on a homeopathic treatment for tendinitis, bursitis,arthritis, etc.  Wasn't all that interested in it until the writer said "finally went to a doctor as I was stepping up stairs 1 step at a time".  That is exactly what I'm doing! I looked at the concoction - seemed tame enough - Welch's white grape juice and Certo (used in canning).  I picked up the ingredients this afternoon, mixed up a batch, and drank a large glassful.  Connie sent me an e-mail that she had mixed up her first batch of the stuff today  (great minds think alike?)  and had drank her allotted amount of 4 oz.  Oops.  Reread the origianl e-mail and it did say to drink only 1/2 cup.each day.  In her e-mail, Connie said she hoped the grape juice wouldn't have an "untoward" effect.  So do I!

1 comment:

Brent said...

Hope it works for you despite the side effects. Then again maybe it is kind of like the elixirs (minus the alcohol) of by gone days.