Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My grapes

The library stays open 2 extra hours on Wednesdays and tonight I was manning the desk.  After the librarian left at 5, there was no one else in the library.  I searched the stacks  awhile looking for books on the "lost book list" - no luck.  Checked that there were no books left laying around to be put away.  Watched out the window as 2 guys in sports cars revved their engines in a little machismo display.  Played spider solitaire on the computer.  Got a bit bored.  It was almost 6 before a group of seven - 2 adults and 5 children - walked in.  Suddenly the place was mayhem  as each child went exploring, calling to the adults to show them what they had found,  and looking for that special book to take home.  Another lady came in to use the computer. After awhile each child had made their selections.  I checked out the books and the adults shepherded them back outside.  A few minutes passed before the lady at the computer said, "Got kinda quiet all of the sudden".  "Yes," I replied, "but I prefer the noise."  "Kid noise is OK," she mused. "Yes," I thought, "I certainly prefered it over revving car engines."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Out here, we call the revving car engines "the mating call of the teenage boy". I thought that was pretty accurate.