Monday, August 22, 2011

Arrowhead flowers

My great niece started college today.  Her first class is an 8 o'clock Calculus.  Reminded me of my college days - I wasn't ever able to get a semester w/o an early class.   (Of course, now I get up at 3:30 am for work!)  Today was a usual type day for me - wrote some letters for the township, made an anniversary card for friends, walk w/ Indy, picked up stuff from the dry cleaners, stopped off at the building supply store for names of handymen in the area, dropped off a book at the library and picked up two that were waiting for me, took a nap.  I enjoyed the years at college but just as glad they are over.  Pretty sure back then that I never had the luxury of  a nap in the middle of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's in the 'real world' now especially with no parents around to make sure she gets up on time!