Tuesday, August 09, 2011


My backyard is beginning to brown in areas.  No, not because of the heat.  In fact, the days are a perfect 70's temp now.  Not because it's been too dry.  We've had enough rain this year, spread out and plentiful.  It's just that much of my backyard is made up of tall grasses and their seed heads are ripening to a deep tan.  The last wildflowers are blooming - goldenrod, knapweed, Culver's root, and asters.  The birds are fighting over spots at the feeders.  The bobolinks have already left.  It's obvious that summer is slowly beginning to wind down.   However, it isn't gone yet - plenty of time still to walk through the fens,  look for the Summer Triangle, and drink in sunshine on these remaining halcyon days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief! It's not even the middle of August yet!