Monday, August 08, 2011

Severed Sunrise

I don't know what to do.  Next year, I'm 60.  Sounds rather old so I thought that I should do something to show that I've still got joie de vivre.   Some people run a marathon on their birthday; some take an exotic trip; presidents seem to prefer jumping out of planes (been there, done that).  Thought I would like to do something that I can work on all year long - read 60 books, volunteer 60 hours, find 60 new species (new for me, anyway), or maybe just work on learning a new skill.  Something.  Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a relaxing birthday Sun. Good for you!

Kathy said...

Visit 60 new places.

Could include parks, stores, Wisconsin historical markers, restaurants, cities, buildings, etc.

Maybe even a new state (hint, hint).


Jordan Journal said...

Write a 60 page children's book about Indy and his forest/farm friends.

Anonymous said...

Depends on which side of 60 that you are on as to if it "sounds rather old"


Brent said...

There you go again with those 50 dollar words. Had to look up joie de vivre.

Molly Domsten is learning clarinet. Maybe you could learn a few songs again if you still have yours from high school.

Other thought. Any local theater groups you could join? Ha. You could practice your shakespeare.

Trip to Alaska or Antartica?