Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The forest has eyes

Volunteered at the library tonight.  Maybe it's this way in all libraries but the librarian isn't just a person to check in books and check out books.  A man came in, stopping at the desk to tell me he had an alternate equation for figuring out area of a circle.  Well, it was a slow night so I let him go on to explain his proof  (he used diameter instead of radius).  That progressed on to a discussion of photography, elk, and tractor tires.  It was getting near closing time and I said if he wanted a book he had better get it now.  No, he hadn't come in for a book - just to talk.  It did take a little bit to convince him to leave at closing time but I patiently listened as he continued to talk even while leaving the building.  So librarian duties also mean they are what? ...  A thinking man's bartender?   Physical Facebook?  Literature customer support?


Shelby said...

That was very nice of you to listen to him talk. Could be that others who work there may have brushed him off so he was lucky you were working tonight. I think sometimes we tend to forget how lonely people can get - anytime of year.

Anonymous said...

I like the 'Thinking Man's Bartender'
Very funny!
