Sunday, August 07, 2011

Black-eyed Susans

My birthday today. 
  • Slept in until 6am
  • Made crepes for breakfast topped w/ some of that chocolate & butterscotch topping I picked up this week
  • Early morning walk through swamps w/ Indy
  • Picked daylilies
  • Afternoon snooze w/ Ori on the recliner
  • Worked identifing plants in the pictures I took on the walk.
  • Did a crossword puzzle while sitting out on the deck
  • Had vegetable fried rice and Mongollian beef for supper (Indy got most of the beef)
  • Listened to Old Time Radio tonight
I suppose the day could have been better (but not by much!)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Susan. Enjoy, because I think next year's Birthday ends in zero! Those are always so special!

Your much older sister!

Brent said...

Happy Birthday! Will you get some butter or cheese from the dairy for your b-day?

Jordan Journal said...

Happy Birthday Susan. Being able to enjoy the simple things in life is a great gift! Enjoy

Kathy said...

Happy Birthday Susan!

Sorry this is late - I'm lots older than you & forgetful :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a nice and relaxing birthday! Carolyn