Saturday, July 09, 2011


Breakfast at Katie's, picked up my mail, posted the agenda for the next Town Board meeting, and then opened up the library for the 2 hours I'd be there volunteering.   First a lady came in who had lost her library card.  She wanted a new one and also to use the computer.  Couldn't find any notes on how to issue a new card so had the lady write down her name and number and left a note for the librarian.  Let her use the computer w/o her card since there was no one else around anyway.  A man came in whose birthday was next week and he'd like to renew his card now.  The library's computer system requests renewal data each year on your birthday.  Again, no notes on how to do a renewal ahead of time.  I had him write his name and number under the lady's and left a note that he wanted an early renewal.  The phone rang.  A voice asked if there was going to be a street dance in town that night.  I wanted to say, "You're asking a Baptist if there is a street dance?"  but instead stood up and asked  the patrons nearby if anyone knew anything about the festivities tonight.  No one did.   There is still a lot for me to learn about the library system.  Will have to check out a street dance sometime too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like Ori has found a new hiding place for the times strangers come to visit.
