Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunrise on a hot day

Decided to take a walk on town-owned land.  That property is located at the end of a very long, gravel, dead-end road which has no homes on it.  Was surprised, therefore, to see 2 trucks parked at the end.  One adult and some kids were hanging around one of the trucks so I parked and went over to say hi. He was part of a group of guys training bear dogs.  They had let the dogs loose on the other side of the hills and were waiting for them to come out along this ridge.  The dogs have transponders on their collars so they had some idea of where they were.  I was brimming w/ questions about how one trains a dog to hunt bear.  Fortunately, the guy was happy to talk about his hobby w/ me (or he might have been bored silly waiting for those dogs).  Sure, tracking through woods after a baying dog to kill a treed animal isn't my idea of having fun - but it is his.  My guess is if he knew some of the things I get excited about, he'd just shake his head in disbelief.

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