Friday, July 08, 2011

Halloween Pennant dragonfly

Bird house "M" was reinstalled last week after it was mangled by a bear.  I haven't had any bear by my house or crunching my bird feeders since I put solar lights around the deck so thought I'd try installing them around this birdhouse.  I checked all the bird houses today but, in the bright sunlight, I just couldn't tell if the solar lights were working.  Not much of an experiment if I can't verify that.  So after sundown out I went to check.  Bird house "M" is the furthest from my house and it was rather eerie to walk through fields where everything is visible only in shades of black and grey.  However, w/ Indy on my right and a can of pepper spray on my left, what had I to fear?  All three lights are working fine.

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