Friday, July 29, 2011


Got home from work and hadn't even stepped out of my car when I got a phone call asking if I could work at the library from noon until closing.  Sure, why not.   Today was courier day and around 3 pm, Wilma came in to help w/ that. Good thing since I'd never done this part.  The system spat out a list of our books that people wanted sent to them for pickup at other libraries.  We pulled these books from the shelves, scanned them out, and put them in a travel bin.  When the courier arrived, we gave him our bin and accepted 3 bins of books from him.  Those we separated into our books being returned and books coming in from other libraries at the request of our patrons.  Sent an automated call/e-mail to our patrons letting them know their requested books were waiting for them on the hold shelf.  Then checked in our returned books and put them back on the shelves.  Held the book I'm 47th on the waiting list for as it came in for another reader.  Tempting.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous flowers! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the flower holder again. Used to see it many times in years past. (I believe you were responible for keeping flowers in it then too.) JVM