Monday, May 30, 2011


Sat on the deck tonight before sunset.  We'd had storms earlier in the day.  However now the clouds had cleared out and land looked fresh and washed.  I sat there just watching the birds come and go, the wind ripple the tall grass in the fields, breathing in the warm, moist air.  Indy looked at me.  She had been very obedient all day following me around as I planted flowers, weeded, and did some other outside tasks.  Now she wondered why I was just sitting there.  Hard to explain why I didn't get up.  Might be that it had been a very long cold winter.  Might be all there were so many hues of green and blue to try and take in.  Maybe I was just a little tired.  Whatever the reason, it was one of those moments you wanted to let soak into your memory - so you could go back to it from time to time.


Anonymous said...

I've heard various descriptions for "just sitting there":
- stopping to smell the roses
- enjoying the moment
- bathing one's senses in the euphoric wonderment of nature

All good. No justification needed.


Anonymous said...

Love those moments.