Friday, April 22, 2011

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

As Phil said in his blog, the blue bird houses come w/ the caveat that I need to check them once a week and record what I find on a spreadsheet.  Last year, I would check the bluebird houses on Fridays and decided this was as good a day as any to start for the season.  Even though over half of the houses were just put up yesterday, it would make for a good baseline.  One of last year's houses has a nest in it (don't know what kind of bird yet).  All of the others were empty.  I do know that the new houses have been visited since there is bird poop on the top of each and every one.  (Guess the guys should have included a tiny powder room in their plans!)

1 comment:

Brent said...

Good to hear that the houses have been located by some birds. Looking forward to hearing reports of nest activity.