Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brent & Phil putting up bird houses

Brent & Phil are up installing blue bird houses they made out of PVC pipe.  There is a whole science to it.  They put two houses in close proximity so that one is taken over by tree swallows.  Tree swallows will not tolerate other birds within their territory, but they don't seem to mind bluebirds.  It's an easy way to increase the likelihood of a successful bluebird brood in the other house.  Each pair of houses has to be placed quite a distance from any other houses so territories don't overlap.  These two had to be put on the far side of the woods.  I'm very grateful for the houses - should give me plenty of chances for some interesting pictures.  Brent & Phil seemed to enjoy the project too.   Can you guess which brother just got back from Arizona?

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