Sunday, April 03, 2011

Club Moss on red Granite

On the walk today, we were on a hill above the swamps when Indy saw something and took off.  I whistled for her to return but finally had to resort to tracking her through the snow.  I found her in the peat swamp and she came out to me slowly - one front paw lifted up.  Of course, my anger at her disobedience evaporated and I dropped to my knees to check her pad for tears or thorns.  I couldn't find anything and we turned back to go home.  It wasn't long before she was no longer limping behind me but happily running on all fours in front of me.  Now a suspicious person might think her "pained limp" was just an act.  However, I'm sure that is not the case... if she is that smart, I'm in trouble.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

She is. You are.