Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Golden Sunset

I decided to volunteer at the library because I wasn't sure about it's future.  So many people are now electronically downloading books and using services like Netflix that I thought libraries could soon become passe.  I might be wrong.   Today was my first day of volunteering.  Our library is only open 2 hours on Saturday but we had 22 people in.  Some wanted to use the computers.  Parents came in w/ their kids and helped them pick out their own movies and books.  Got a call asking if we had tax forms (we do).  One older gentleman returned a James Patterson book and bemoaned the fact that he had read all of that author's books in our library and was rereading them.  Got on the computer and found two that he hadn't read but were located at other libraries and even found one due out in May.  Ordered the existing two be brought to our library for him and put his name on the waiting list for the newest one.  His face lit up in anticipation.  Made my day.

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