Monday, February 21, 2011

Snowdrifts in front of my bedroom door

The snowstorm continued through the night.  My driveway drifted in but my trusty Subaru Forester plowed through just fine.  I thought that would be the worst part of my trip into work this morning.  However, the county road I live on had not been plowed - at all.  I followed the tracks of a truck that must have gone just before me.  I found the truck three miles later, stuck in the snow at the intersection of the county road and a state highway.  I carefully picked my way around him.  The state highways had been plowed but some time ago and had drifted badly.  It turns out 42 m/p/h is the perfect speed to go to have momentum to get through the drifts yet maintain control enough to keep out of the ditches.  I white-knuckled it the rest of the way to work.  Lisa, the intern, milked w/ me but was also milking the second shift today.  She asked the dairy owner if it would be all right if she just stuck around the barn - she didn't want to go out in the storm again.   So I talked her into helping Mike and I scrub down the parlor after milking and then took her into town to get breakfast at McD's and dropped her back off at the dairy.  Once I got home, I stayed put for the rest of the day.  Oh, I did send off an e-mail to Subaru telling them they make a truly awesome car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much are/did you end up getting all together?