Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leeward side of the deck

The dairy owners bought a steamer - one honking big steamer that sits about 3 ft x 3 ft. Carol & Eric both told me this morning that the guy would be coming at 9 - right about the end of milking - to give a short demo on how to work it.  He was about a 1/2 hour late and took another 1/2 hour to redo some electrics so he had enough power to run the thing.  The steamer did do a good job on the strange black stuff I haven't been able to clean from the sides of the walking mats, it massacred the green stuff that was growing on the sides of the steps (Mike & I scrub it off periodically but it grows back), and, best of all, got up all of the yellow slippery stuff that scrubbing has no effect on.  So I have my goal for 2011 - to setup a protocol of how to use the new steamer for cleaning the parlor. The steamer guy wasn't suppose to be here today - he was planned for Thursday.  Of course, today I wanted to get home early since Brent was leaving.  I walked in the door as he was finishing loading up his car.  At least got to say goodbye.

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