Monday, November 22, 2010

Rosellinia and Postia caesia (I think)

Received a Thanksgiving Day card in the mail from my niece, Becky. She said that while the holiday brought to mind different things for different people, to her son, Ian, it meant pumpkin bread. Reminded me that Saturday, I baked pumpkin-cranberry quick bread. I made 4 small loaves and, once they had cooled, wrapped 3 in foil and put them in the freezer. The other one I cut into and tried a piece - very good. Good enough that I had another. Then I wrapped that one in foil but left it on the counter - figured I would have some for supper. After supper, I remembered the bread but couldn't find it. Did find lots of little bits of foil on the floor. INDY! Too late to punish her and after eating all of that I suppose she wasn't feeling too great anyway. She seems to be doing OK today so probably neither pumpkin nor cranberries are poisonous to dogs.


Anonymous said...

Remember what aluminum foil felt like on our fillings when they touched? Good thing Indy doesn't have fillings. I can just see her spitting out little pieces of foil.


Anonymous said...

Guess Thanksgiving means Pumpkin-Cranberry bread to Indy, too. ;-)
