Thursday, May 13, 2010


Spent all afternoon getting ready for the town meeting tonight. First bopped downtown to make sure there weren't any last minute bills in the P.O. box. Then checked the metal box next to my door where people drop off things if I'm not at home. Nope, empty. Looking through the bills, I noticed nothing from the county highway dept. Usually, there is. I called them and they reassured me that they hadn't done anything for the township last month: ergo, no bill. Made out the checks and then went back a year ago to see if there was any expenditures that month that might be due this month. The town paid insurance last year in May. I checked the policy. Yes, it was due. Called the insurance agency and they were apologetic. "Their computer" hadn't sent me the bill but they were able to e-mail it to me immediately. Printed off reports, new ordinances, contract renewals, building permits for the board to review and approve. Think I'm ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whew! Think it's time for a glass of wine after all that!(or at least a rootbeer float.)
