Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Red Maple seeds

We made our Somatic Cell Count (SCC) goal again in April so the owners treated all of the milkers to dinner tonight. The owners, themselves, don't have a chance to eat out very often and I think Carol is using our dinners as a chance to try out the restaurants in the area. We went somewhere new again - a supper club on the highway. They had a buffet which most people decided to go for but which Adam, the other Susan, and I thought better of and ordered off the menu. Turns out we made a good choice - the others weren't enamored w/ the way the buffet food tasted nor did they seem absolutely sure what some of it was. Still nice to see people from the other shifts. As we left the restaurant, Carol said she would see me in the morning. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her. She had been telling me all week about how she and Eric planned on taking Thursday off and going out of town. She smiled, "A day off for us doesn't mean all day". Hope they have a good time.

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