Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm excited. Listened to the news tonight and they were talking about how bad 2% milk is for you and to go w/ the no-fat stuff. I think we all need more exercise and to watch our food portions but drinking what looks to me like water mixed w/ chalk just can't be right. I remember the wonderful taste of unpasteurized, unhomogenized, fresh, cold milk we had on the farm. Now that was a real drink! But then I read that there is a bill moving through the state legislature that would allow the selling of raw milk again. Whoopee! Of course, it will probably all be Holstein milk instead of Guernsey (they didn't call it "Golden Guernsey" because of the color of the cows!)


Anonymous said...

You are so right. I no longer drink much milk (unless it is chocolate, of course). The wonderful taste of fresh, raw milk, right out of the bulk tank, just ruins you for the taste of homogenized, pasteurized,and neutralized milk out of a plastic jug.


Anonymous said...

Loved that milk! (Really don't care how many calories and fat it had either.)
