Thursday, December 26, 2024

Display at the Library

Yggdrasil is sans ornaments and in the garage.  I'll move him over to Mjolnir tomorrow.  Both the garage and Mjolnir's workshop are the same temperature but my garage windows face north and Mjolnir's face south so he'll be able to get more sunlight over there.  I also started my first puzzle for the season.  It's from the library's puzzle exchange and I chose it because it's one of the few that has only 500 pieces.   I'm starting w/ baby steps.

The library was open today so I went in for my afternoon stint.  As I've said before, most people come in for the books but a library serves multiple purposes for the community.  A man came in with a question.  The village is taking over it's own garbage pickup starting in January and had delivered two bins to his home.  One is all blue and the other is blue w/ a black top.  He said there were no other distinguishing factors and he didn't know which one was for garbage and which was for recycling.  The librarian thought the all blue one would be recycling.  I thought the one w/ the black lid would be recycling.  Neither of us was certain nor w/ all my searching on the village website could I find any mention of which was which.  We suggested he come in tomorrow morning when the village clerk would be in and ask.  Pretty sure the man lives alone because he continued to talk.  He didn't think our school system was teaching the right things.  He said the kids didn't know why West Virginia and Virginia don't like each other and why there is nothing wrong with the Confederate flag.  He said he was an expert geologist and that he knew more about the human body than the doctors over at the clinic did.  He also said he knew the area around here better than most anyone else (though he seemed hazy on where the Town of Atlanta was) and that there was too much clear cut land.  Mostly I just listened though I did have to get in some work at the same time.  After about an hour he decided to go home and said he would stop by the village hall in the morning.  I felt a little sorry that we couldn't answer his question but on the other hand hopefully he felt a bit better for having a sounding board for his ideas and feelings.

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