Thursday, October 10, 2024

Autumn Trees and ... Lilacs(?)

Excerpts from Sheriff's Report: 

12:18 a.m. - Caller states he came home and there is a vehicle parked in his driveway.  He doesn't know who it belongs to.  Caller wants vehicle off his property.  Was advised the female living on the property is allowed to have people over if she wants.  If he wants her off the property, he will have to evict her.

12:21 a.m. - Caller reports her husband is in garage throwing things out.  She has been drinking, he has not.  States he pushed her, nothing physical but they did have an argument.  Second call from female stating she wants to be arrested because she's been drinking.  Officer met with both parties.  Female appeared extremely intoxicated.  Male states he came home from work, they had an argument, he went to another part of the house.  Officer refused to take female to jail.  No action taken as no crimes were committed.

7:13 a.m. - Traffic stop for speed.  Driver believes his speedometer is off because he increased the size of his tires.

9:12 a.m. - Call from School reporting there is a male in a silver Dodge SUV that has been driving around the school.  Bus driver spoke with him and he stated he was waiting for a roofing crew.  He was advised there is no such job happening at the school.  He was wearing a fluorescent vest.  The vehicle parked by the grain bins west of the school.  Subject has one warrant from Nebraska but is non-extraditable.

10:34 a.m. - Driver stopped for speeding.  Produced a Chinese driver's license.  Was informed he needed o get a valid driver's license from the U.S.

10:35 a.m. - Complaint forwarded from Forestry Department to Sheriff's office.  Requesting a phone call about a farm field bordering her property where the corn hasn't been harvested in two years.   Caller believes this is causing her husband's asthma to flare up and the rodent population to increase.  She states she left messages for farmer who leases the land and has spoken to land owner.  Officer informed her he can't force them to harvest or plow corn under.  She will call farmer.

10:58 p.m. - Officers at Sheriff's Office heard loud vehicles and observed demo derby vehicles on roadway.  Vehicles are not authorized to operate on any roadway open to public transportation.  Officer followed vehicles to fairgrounds.  Drivers informed they cannot operate vehicles on roadway.  One driver argued it is a tradition to drive to the event.

12:48 p.m. - Call from owner of Bar & Restaurant stating he believes he has pellet holes in his siding.  Officer observed 8-10 pellet holes in siding of building that were not there two days prior.  Coming from direction where duck hunters were shooting that morning.

3:50 p.m. - Deputy reports a slow-moving vehicle with a male walking in front of the vehicle and kicking it.  Individual who works for a group home is transporting 2 persons to the home.  The two got into an argument, both have learning disabilities.  They were transported in separate vehicles to the home.

6:45 p.m. - Caller states her mother left at 4:30 a.m. to go to a doctor's appointment in another town and didn't arrive.  Her phone appears to be shut off.  Mother has a history of back surgeries and seizures.  The mother called.  She advised she was arrested early this morning for an OWI, was just released from custody, and is safe.

7:08 p.m. - Caller reports female cut off the tip of her finger while chopping wood.

7:10 p.m. - Individual came to Sheriff's Office to turn in suspected drugs he found.  His dad bought a used golf glove and a small baggie with a crystal-like material was in one of the fingers, unknown who it was bought from.  Field test positive for meth.  Baggie destroyed.

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