Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Partial Eclipse

Today the garbage pickup truck left my garbage can on my side of the road - the same side where they picked it up.  Seems like a little thing but it took some effort to make it happen.  I can only assume that Waste Management changed their route for garbage pickup because in August suddenly my garbage can was emptied and left on the opposite side of the road from where I put it.  I figured it was a one-off but the next week it was again left there.  WM periodically sends an e-mail asking how I like their service.   I replied back about my problem.   Turns out that left my message as a rating on their website.   I checked out WM's website and got into an AI generated round-about.  Didn't seem they had a way for a customer to request that their garbage bin be left in the same place.  (Of course, I didn't understand why I would have to ask that either.)   Tried their on-line chat but that dropped me as soon as I keyed in my request.  Tried phoning but couldn't stay on hold long enough to get a real person.  Printed out  "PLEASE LEAVE ON SOUTH SIDE OF ROAD" signs and taped one on the lid of the container and one on the body.  They ripped off the one on the lid but still left the bin on the wrong side.  I watched as a truck pulling a hay wagon maneuvered my neighbor's driveway where WM was leaving my container.  Gave me an idea and tried chat again.  This time explained that I didn't want to get in trouble w/ my neighbor since WM was leaving my bin on his property next to a driveway used by big machinery.  The chat guy said he would take care of it and it appears he did.  (To tell you the truth, Neighbor Doug seemed more amused than angry about the garbage can situation.)

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