Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Loading Up Bales

Another autumnal task completed.  My plow guy - Larry Quinn - died  last spring.  I checked in w/ him every September to see if he would be plowing my driveway again for the upcoming snow season.  He would seem surprised that I felt a need to ask.   I am dependent on being plowed out after major snowfalls so I wanted to ensure a 'meeting of the minds' before the first flurries flew.   I attended the last town board meeting because Neighbor Vern is often there.  Some years when there was so much snow that Mr. Quinn only had a tunnel down the driveway, he would call in Vern to bring in his big grader and 'wing out' the snowbanks to make more room to plow.  I figured Vern would know anyone around who did snowplowing.  The town clerk overheard us talking and said Mr. Quinn's son was taking over his snowplow business and would send me his number.  Vern gave me the number of someone else local that he knew did plowing.  I called Jerry Quinn this morning.  Jerry said he would have called me before this but didn't know how to contact me and "Yes", he would be happy to plow my place.  He asked if I needed it done early since I'd be near the end of his route.  When his father first started plowing my driveway I was still milking cows and I needed to get out very early. I'd sometimes park my car at the end of my driveway on days when a lot of snow was forecast just to be assured of making it to work.  I told him I was retired so I don't need to get out early but I might need to request a second plow out since the wind can really howl up here in the winter.  After I got off the phone I remembered election days.  I need to get out early on those days.  Usually, though, the first measurable snowfall doesn't come until hunting season and, unless there is a primary, the first election next year won't be until April.   If it looks like snow before election days, it'll be back to parking out at the end of the drive.

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