Thursday, September 05, 2024


Looked at my e-mail this morning and there was an invite to a 50-year graduation reunion at the university.  Actually it's a 50+ reunion but this is the first year I am eligible to attend.  I can still remember those 8 a.m. physics classes - why they were always the earliest I never did understand.  I remember studying in the library though my fav spot was a small room just off the profs offices where they provided free coffee for us - that's when I developed my coffee habit.   I remember going down to the computer complex and submitting my stack of computer cards.  (Yes, I'm that old.)    I remember the walking bridge over the river that in mid-winter had to be the coldest place in the state.  I remember the wonderful old house where I lived for my junior and senior years.  Guess it's just one of those little mysteries of life that I can't remember the name of the book I just finished reading and occasionally I still pull out my car fob thinking I need a key to start the car.

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