Thursday, September 05, 2024

King Bird

 Excerpts from Sheriff's Report:

6:47 a.m. - Caller looking for private investigators.  He resides in nearby state but ex lives here.  Dispatch advised they don't have any information on that sort of thing.

11:03 a.m. - Caller states he is tired of neighbor coming to his house complaining about things.  Would like officer to talk to woman and tell her not to come to his house any more.

9:43 a.m. - Person in Law Enforcement Lobby to speak with deputy.  Believed she'd been in touch with Johnny Depp the actor who promised to buy her a house.  Her mother told her this is a scam and to contact law enforcement.  

1:15 p.m. Caller asked to speak with a deputy regarding his neighbors recording caller's animals.  Officer spoke with person and told him neighbors can record him from their property or public space.  Is protected by First Amendment of U.S. Constitution.  Suggested he build a fence.

4:22 p.m. - Caller has two chainsaws with covers in the back of his truck that do not belong to him.  Doesn't know how they got there.  Will bring them to the Law Enforcement Center.

4:24 p.m. - Caller states several juveniles following him with their vehicles.  He believes five or six vehicles followed him from Milwaukee to intimidate him on his ex-wife's request.  None of the vehicle drivers confronted him, he says he recognized one from the Milwaukee area.  Officer told him it's highly unlikely five or six juveniles would drive 10 hours round trip just to harass him.  He was encouraged to avoid them and to forward their license plate numbers when he has them.

4:25 p.m. - Reporting party having issues with getting car keys back for his father's vehicle that he is using to commute to work.  Car registered to father but is still at his ex's house.  Call made to ex who states she didn't know where keys are.  She was informed if she drives car she could be charged with theft.  She will drop off keys at law enforcement center.

4:32 p.m. - Caller states a worker at the library followed their child home accusing them of stealing from library.  Is upset with library due to them not wanting children there.  Complainant called back, talked to library president.  They worked out the issue.  [fyi: this was a different library - not where I volunteer.]

6:13 p.m. - Hospital ER asking for deputy to check welfare of male who is on probation and has ankle monitor.  Male was walking around naked and picking his skin.  Took a cocktail of prescription meds and is not making sense.

8:08 p.m. - Caller states suspicious activity with a male and female at the horse barn at the county fairgrounds.  Officer checked area but did not locate.

10:18 p.m. - Caller requesting female standing at end of driveway be sent on her way.  Female took an Uber from Minneapolis after being removed from property earlier this week.  Recently broke up with caller's son.  Female left before officer arrived.

11:27 p.m. - Traffic stop for defective head lamp.  Driver initially appeared to be a sovereign citizen as he refused to identify himself and made other comments sovereign citizens typically make.  He screamed at officer calling him a pig, told him he pays his salary, and that he doesn't like cops.  Warning issued for a defective head lamp.

12:57 p.m. - Caller states they are out of state.  Items stolen from her house.  Is upset her grandmother allowed people to clean up.  Believes items of hers were stolen.  Hasn't been to house in months and has no proof of ownership.

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