Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Lilacs are reblooming

We are in a string of very nice weather so I'm taking advantage of it to wash and put away Summer.  That means daily I do a load of wash including some of the yellow coverings for the window seats, the yellow dish cloths/hot pads/dish towels, yellow throws, or yellow rugs.  They are then hung out on the line to dry before being folded and put away in the window seat dedicated to Summer stuff.    After washing and hanging out today's 'summer', it was time for errands.  Filled all of my three gas cans at the gas station, made an appointment to get the oil changed in the car, and picked up my mail.  Dropped off recyclables, picked up more coffee beans, and a couple cushy autumn-themed rugs for the kitchen.  Won't be too long before I'll need to take the geraniums off the deck and put them in Sleipnir.  Picked up tongue depressors (well, they look like tongue depressors) to write flower colors on.   Now while the geraniums are still blooming I can write the flower color on each wood piece and stick it in the plant.  Will make life easier when I repot them in the spring.  The nearest grocery store is closing.  It had been progressively depressing going in there - empty shelves, fewer choices of what was left, questionable produce.  I liked the store because I knew where everything was located - even wrote out my grocery list in the order of where it was in the store.  Lately what I couldn't find at the grocery store I'd pick up at Walmart.   There is a grocery store here in Churchville.   Decided to stop in and pick up something.     This store is well laid out and I surprisingly found everything I needed quickly.  This might be my new go-to for groceries.   On the way out of town I got a burger and ate it in a little park overlooking the lake.  Change can be good.

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