Sunday, August 18, 2024

Turtlehead Flowers

Took the dog out on our nightly constitutional.  There at the end of the driveway was a blue car.  Actually it has parked in my neighbor's hay field across from the end of my driveway.  I could hear giggling and singing.  About five girls were in the field taking pictures and running around.  This same sort of thing had happened earlier in the year at about the same time (Whip and I take constitutionals at a set time each day.)   I waited until Whip and I had leisurely strolled back to the house in case the girls were just stopping for a moment before calling Neighbor Doug.  Nope, they weren't any visiting relatives.   The girls stuck around for another 10 minutes before taking off.   I've often referred to the Northwoods as "God's Country" and it is a pretty place to watch a sunrise or sunset.  Personally haven't felt the need to drive into someone else's field to take selfies and run around.  Maybe that field has an 'energy vortex' which contains a swirling center of concentrated energy.  I got that definition from a Chakra Meditation Experience website.  Doesn't really define what kind of energy except to say these vortexes occur along 'ley lines' which make up the Earth's electromagnetic field.   Nothing about how physical laws apply nor any math to back it up.    Another website described certain locations as spiritual hubs (examples: Stonehenge, Great Pyramid at Giza, Machu Picchu).  Maybe the field is similar to the red rock at Uluru, Australia?  That website said these sites can be explained through quantum physics but then described subatomic particles incorrectly so think that's a bunch of mumbo-jumbo too.  I don't know what about my neighbor's field draws people to it.  I did see a police car parked there one morning but I'm pretty sure I know what he was looking for.

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