Monday, August 19, 2024

Black-eyed Susans

Still have a month of summer to go but I can already see the signs that it is drawing to a close.  One is the asters and goldenrod are in bloom.   Another is the hummers are attacking the sugar water feeders voraciously.   I no longer see any ruby chin feathers - only green.  The males have already started their migration.  In fact most of the birds along w/ their morning songs are gone.  It's not quiet though - the buzz of insects has taken it's place.   It's been a wonderful summer w/ plenty of sun, plenty of rain, and mostly nice temps.  The blackberries, which can be touchy about the sun vs. rain, liked this summer too.   I stop to browse on ripe blackberries when I and the dog go for walks.  She doesn't mind since it allows her time to snoop around in the underbrush. The thing I like about foraging this way is I don't feel the need to wash the berries first.   If they are in a bucket and brought into the house, I wash them before eating them.  Outside on a trail, I just pop a handful in my mouth and let them explode into a warm sweet juice.   Feels decadent.  If an unfortunate gnat happens to be on one of the berries .... well ... a little protein doesn't hurt.

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