Friday, August 16, 2024


The rainstorms were over when I went to do my library stint last night and it had turned a little muggy again.  Mr. Cody walked in to read the paper - that's when I noticed the rain had returned in an absolute down pour.  Wasn't until I walked out to the car after my shift that I remembered I'd left the car's moon roof open just a slit so the heat wouldn't build up in there.   The front seats were wet and when I started the car the passenger seatbelt warning buzzer began to ding.  I figured the water was shorted something somewhere and buckled that seatbelt to get the buzzer to shut up.  Once home I took a towel to the leather seats and anything else that seemed wet.  I left the moon roof and all four windows wide open overnight.  This morning I planned on picking up Friend Nancy and going for breakfast at 8 a.m.    The seats didn't feel wet but when I sat down realized they hadn't completely dried yet.  Sure enough, the passenger seatbelt warning buzzer went off again.  Buckled that seatbelt and drove to Nancy's w/ the windows and moon roof open plus the seat warmers on low.  Didn't tell Nancy what had happened - maybe she wouldn't notice.  Nope - half way to the restaurant she announced her seat felt wet.  I fessed up to what had happened and fortunately she found it funny.  Don't know how long it will take to dry the seats out completely (though I bet there is a YouTube somewhere on that).  For future reference I must remember that in the Northwoods the heat may build up in your car but never enough to require a windshield sun screen, a steering wheel shade cover, or leaving your moonroof cracked open.

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