Monday, August 26, 2024

Thistle 'tree'


Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

4:34 a.m. - Another county sheriff's office requests mutual aid for intoxicated male who is threatening to kill campers at lake campground.  Callers state male keeps reaching behind his back and claims to have a gun.  Campers trying to deescalate the situation but male is not calming down.  They believe he has a .22 pistol.  Suspect in custody.

6:38 a.m. - Call from ER regarding male there to be seen.  Male has an issue with his foot and was upset with the treatment prescribed.  Male left the facility in a wheelchair wearing jeans and a navy-colored shirt.  Wheelchair belongs to the facility and they would like it back.  Male is leaving parking lot with the wheelchair.  Male has a warrant, en route to jail.

7:42 a.m. - Officer states pop-up camper at municipal park.  Spoke with subject who packed up his things and moved on.

10:55 a.m. - Caller upset with her boyfriend because he keeps losing the keys for the house and not locking the door.  Caller is concerned that someone could come into the house and steal all of their stuff.  Caller was told this is not a law enforcement issue and she would have to work out these issues with her boyfriend.

12:46 p.m. - Female wants to show officer her fingertips, believes finger prints are being grated off with a cheese grater.

2:06 p.m. - Person requests deputy to stand by during property exchange.  Picking up seven pigs.  Pigs loaded into trailer, but vehicle hitch broke due to rust and can't tow trailer.  Caller is looking for alternative, lives eight hours away.

2:16 p.m. - Caller states they went to boat landing and there is a male there with a blue car with trailer covered with a blue tarp blocking the boat landing.  Caller approached the vehicle and male came out from under tarp.  Persons in car claim not camping but have been there for several days arriving in the morning.  They were celebrating 20 years of marriage.

3:10 p.m. - Caller reports dad sold hay that isn't his.  Will fill out and return statement form.  Incident report pending.

4:04 p.m. - The stop sign and post that had the signs for Norwegian Road and Singer Road was stolen.  Appears it was taken prior after last heavy rainfall and was pulled out by a vehicle.  No "signs" of any of the components.  Township contacted.  They will be replacing the sign.  

6:25 p.m. - Per caller there is a male in the building that has been harassing her.  She will be outside waiting to talk to officer.  States that a male called her names.  Officer advised calling someone names is not a crime and that she would need to go to Law Enforcement Center to request a police report.  Officer recommended she stay away from male and get a restraining order if she thinks it's necessary.

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