Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Key Quiz

 To differentiate the keys needed for various things, I ordered colorful key holders w/ the name of the thing they unlock embroidered on them.  Usually though there are two keys: in case something happens to the original or there are two people that want to have a key.  For the backup keys, I picked up key holders w/ the symbols for the given name.  Try matching the outside embroidered keyholders to the correct middle four keyholders w/ the symbol for that name.  See how much Norse mythology you know.


Anonymous said...

Is Svaldifari new? That's one I don't know. -Olivia

Flip said...

Sleipnir - 4th key holder
Mjolnir - 3rd key holder
Jormungandr - 1st key holder
Svadilfari - 2nd key holder

SRM said...

Sorry - incorrect.

SRM said...

Svaldilfari is the name of the garden tractor/lawnmower.