Sunday, August 25, 2024

Arrowwood berries

I love a good experiment as much as I love a spreadsheet.  One experiment I'm currently running concerns the annual autumnal problem of flies in Mjolnir.  Occasionally flies get into the other buildings but never reach the netherworld purgatory of hundreds of flies in Mjolnir's apartment.  I could almost believe that  portion of the building was built over a fly cemetery.  My working hypothesis currently is that the flies are making it through the seal around the outside door.  Once my summer guests had vacated the apartment, I shut the windows and left the drapes and screens in place.   I took the drape off the outside door's window and applied two fly strips to the inside of the window.  I don't enter that building often and usually leave it locked.  Went in again on August 20th.  There were 24 flies stuck to the strips.  The next time I went in was August 24th.   49 flies stuck and two flying around.  I applied two more strips to the windows.   Needed to put something away again today.  Was shocked.  There were 174 flies stuck to the window strips and one fly buzzing around.  I added the last sticky strip I had out there to the window.  Next time I go in I'll take a new bunch of sticky strips and remove the ones currently on the window (they are rather full anyway).  If this trend continues I think I'm correct - it's the door's seal that is the issue.  That I can probably fix.  Figuring out why the apartment attracts so many flies can then be next year's experiment.  I have ideas on that - some are even scientific and not out of the Twilight Zone.


Brent said...

That is a lot of flies. They like a good apartment!
Hope you can figure out the mystery

Phil said...

That is a surprise. The 3 + weeks out there I maybe had 2 flies total.

kn said...

Cluster flies? Sounds like you're on the right track with the door seal.