Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Maximillian Sunflowers


Such a beautiful sunny warm day I decided to take a drive.  I walked out to Sleipnir and retrieved the key for Svaldilfari.  When Phil and Brent were here they assured me that they liked mowing the lawn and trails so I didn't mow the entire time they stayed.  Guess I kinda got out of the habit until I noticed last night that Whip really had to hunt for the treats I threw out into the lawn.   Probably should mow.  I did the far trails (or most of them).   Hoping I picked up a little color from the sun while I drove around.  Today is the last day the sun sets after 8 p.m. until next April.    Deep into winter, my 'farmer tan' will be a reminder of days when I didn't need a coat to go outside.

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