Thursday, August 22, 2024



When I walked out into the living room this morning it was obvious that someone had been busy in the night.  Since the doors were still locked and the dog hadn't barked I assumed it was the cats.  The seat cushion on a little swivel chair had been upended and was sitting askew.  Two small packets were on the floor nearby.  I picked one up.  It had in large print "NO COMER".  Well, that answered what was going on.  Dunder is the only cat that sits on that chair.  Often he sits on the top but occasionally he sits on the cushion.   Like the story of the Princess and the Pea, he must have decided the chair was too lumpy and taken it upon himself to remove the two packets of desiccant that came packed under the seat cushion.   I don't know why they weren't tossed when the chair was delivered two years ago nor why I never felt them when I sat in that chair.  Then tonight, well after dark, the dog started prancing over to where I was working on the computer, bark loudly, and run toward the door.   I'd look outside but, of course, couldn't see anything.  After the third time Whip did this prance/bark/door bit, I got her glow-in-the-dark harness and we both went outside to see what she was so excited about.  Turned out she didn't want to chase away something prowling around the house - she just wanted to take a walk w/ me in the dark.  I looked down at her and told her she was like the Boy who cried Wolf (though w/ the roles reversed).   I'm betting Aesop and Hans Christian Anderson had pets.

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