Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sunset before the Storm

 I and friend Kathy were on the express bus to the State Fair at 7 a.m.  We had a great parking place near the terminal and good seats on the bus.  There had been a storm the night before and a forecast for a bit more rain around mid morning.  Great! - would probably mean fewer people choosing to do the Fair today.  Then someone w/ a yellow vest got on the bus and announced the Fair was delaying it's opening due to storm cleanup still going on.  Worse - we would all have to disembark.  We stood in a line at the bus terminal - no info was available on when the Fair might reopen.  Another bus pulled up w/ Fair goers that had got on their bus at another terminal.  They too had to disembark here until the Fair opened up.  Not much info on the Fair website but people in line that had friends/family working at the Fair said straight line winds had taken down limbs, overturned porta-potties and trash cans, one small business building had fallen in on itself, and another small building had moved damaging a tent next to it, possible electrical lines down.  They had me at 'overturned porta-potties' - Kathy and I decided to fall back to Plan B.  We drove back to the hotel (about 10 minutes) and had breakfast to discuss what Plan B would be.  To be continued ...

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