Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Joe Pye-Weed

Brent and Phil are finishing up the last of the tasks I put on the white board.  They installed a new outside motion detector light on Sleipnir.  I hadn't bought an outside light when that building was in progress and suddenly the electrician said he was ready to install it.   He told me he had an old one in the back of his truck and would put that one in for free so I, of course, said to go ahead.  Last year,  however, it wasn't as bright and didn't always come on when Whip and I were doing our constitutionals.  Phil and Brent also changed the water filter in Mjolnir.  I'd realized I had one last year when the hot water heater had begun to leak.  Figured I probably should replace it, bought a new one, but decided to let the brothers do the simple replacement.  Turned out it was a good thing I left it up to them to do.  The filter cover was on so tight it took both of them to get it off.  Filter had some sand in it but for five years of use, it looked pretty good.  Later the guys picked some blackberries and then took me out for a very nice dinner for my birthday.  Everything accomplished, like the Lone Ranger and Tonto, they will soon be yelling "Hi-yo, Silver! Away!"

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