Thursday, August 08, 2024

Cutting Hay

Brother Phil took off this morning.  He had containers of blueberries and blackberries he'd picked in a cooler.  Brother Brent is going through his checklist of things to do today since he plans on leaving tomorrow.  The cats & dog will go through treat-withdrawal once they both leave.  Neighbor Blake cut the hay field next to the house.  The field will become the center of activity for the community for the next few days.  Blake had no sooner finished and gone on to the next field then the crows started coming in looking for things that could no longer hide in the tall grass.  Whip checked out the field looking for things that had gotten caught in the mower.  Tomorrow I expect the turkey vultures will be circling looking for the same thing.  Tonight the deer will walk through it out of curiosity.   Blake will be back soon to rake the hay and then again to bale it.  That's when I'll go out to enjoy getting dramatic pics with the bales in the background.  (Trust me, no selfies!)

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