Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Brent and the fire extinguisher


Cousins Rick & Dawn stopped by on their way from the Big City to Title Town.   They were planning a little vacation time there.  We all went for lunch - Brent, Phil, Rick, Dawn, and I.   The waitress was nice, talkative, and seemed to be an old hand at taking orders.  Brent wanted a patty melt w/ onion rings.  Sounded good to me, I ordered the same.  Phil asked for a taco salad sans salsa but two cups of French dressing on the side.  Dawn wanted a club sandwich w/ a salad and Rick ordered the same.  Maybe the waitress wasn't as seasoned as I thought.  She delivered two sides for Phil as requested but they were salsa not French dressing.  Got that fixed.  We were part way through when Brent said, "Thought we ordered onion rings."  We were both munching on French fries.   Decided not to send them back at that point.  When the waitress dangled the bill over the table, Rick was the winner.  I felt bad since Rick & Dawn were just beginning their vacation and he'd be paying for all five of us.  Phil reached into his pocket and deposited a $20 in front of Rick.  Great solution!  I reached into my purse and put another $20 by Rick.  Rick who had won his prize fair and square and was not about to give it up now realized  if this continued he'd be making money.  He paid quickly and they took off for Title Town later in the afternoon.  Brent and I went hunting for the elusive buckthorn.  Found a few that Brent dispatched w/ the chainsaw.  Tonight Phil and Brent roasted wieners at Ragnarok before breaking up and burning the wood top to the aquarium.  The fire was still smoldering near sunset so Brent planned on getting a bucket of water to put it out.  Instead I gave him my old fire extinguisher.  I'd replaced the one I keep by the fireplace since it was over 12 years old but couldn't throw it out until it had been discharged.  He sprayed the entire contents on the fire.  Made an immense white cloud but the fire was still smoldering when he finished.  Doesn't give me much confidence in the effectiveness of the new extinguisher.

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